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Lions Mane ett balsam för din hjärna

Vi kan stolt presentera vår senaste produkt som är ett trippel extraherat extrakt av svampen Lions mane. Med trippel extrahering menar  vi att den först har vattenextraherats sedan alkohol extraherats och sist har en spagyrisk extraktion utförts. Denna process utförs för att se till att alla de viktiga ämnena kommer med i extraktet. Extraktion är en 4:1 alltså 4 delar torrt material gav 1kg extrakt.

Varför Lions mane?

Lions mane är verkligen en fantastisk svamp med otroliga egenskaper. Den har använts inom både kinesik och japansk medicin och sågs som en källa till ett långt liv och visdom. Det finns många studier som visar på positiva fördelar med att ta lions mane och de viktigaste komponenterna är beta glukaner och polysackarider. Dessa komponenter tror man är ansvariga för de skyddande effekterna som svampen kan ha på hjärna och immunsystem (1).

Lions Mane och hjärnan

Det har i flera studier visat sig att Lions mane kan skydda vår hjärna och även kan bidra till att underlätta till skapandet av nya hjärnceller.I en studie på möss visade det sig att ämnena från svampen ökade ett ämne som heter Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) (2). Detta ämne har visat sig kunna stimulera tillväxt i nervsystetmet och studien visade positiva resultat i att förbätrar minne och kognitiv förmåga. Man ansåg även att detta skulle kunna vara en potentiell behandlig för att mot verka tidiga symtom på demens.

I en Japansk studie på äldre personer med nedsatt kognitiv förmåga så gav lions mane  också en märkbar effekt vid ett intag på ca 3g per dag (3). Dock så avtog effekten några veckor efter intag hade avslutats.

Det finns även studier som påvisar en effekt mot ångest och depression.I en studie så visade det sig att lionsmane öker aktiviteten i hippocampus och stimulerar tillväxt av hjärnceller.Hippocampus är både ansvarig för minne och vissa känslomässiga reaktioner.Så tillväxt i detta centra skulle potentiellt kunna leda till bättre kontroll av känslomässiga reaktioner (4).

Lions Mane resten av vår kropp.

Lions mane är inte bara ett balsam för vår hjärna den har även många andra fina egenskaper.

  • Kan boosta ditt immunförsvar. Det har visat sig att Lions man e kan öka antal T-celler och Makrofager (5).
  • Anti canceregenskaper genom att aktivera vissa delar av immunsystemet (6).
  • Antiinflammatoriska effekter (7).
  • Hjärt hälsa genom balansering av kolesterolnivåer(8).
  • Blodsocker reglerande (9).

Biohacking collective Lions Mane

Vår produkt är framtagen med största omsorg och processen som vi använder är unik vi vill verkligen bevara så många som möjligt av de verksamma ämnena. Lions mane är något vi använt länge och vi har testat många produkter på marknaden. Vi kan stolt säga att det finns ingen produkt som vår på marknaden. Så hoppas verkligen ni blir nöjda. Klicka här för att komma till vår shop.

(1)Hericium erinaceus: an edible mushroom with medicinal values.

(2)Effects of Hericium erinaceus on amyloid β(25-35) peptide-induced learning and memory deficits in mice.

(3) Improving effects of the mushroom Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus) on mild cognitive impairment: a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.

(4) Hericium erinaceus Extract Reduces Anxiety and Depressive Behaviors by Promoting Hippocampal Neurogenesis in the Adult Mouse Brain.

(5) Immunomodulatory effects of Hericium erinaceus derived polysaccharides are mediated by intestinal immunology.

(6) Structures, biological activities, and industrial applications of the polysaccharides from Hericium erinaceus (Lion’s Mane) mushroom: A review.

(7) Hericium erinaceus suppresses LPS-induced pro-inflammation gene activation in RAW264.7 macrophages.

(8) Hypolipidemic effect of an Exo-biopolymer produced from a submerged mycelial culture of Hericium erinaceus.

(9) Structures, biological activities, and industrial applications of the polysaccharides from Hericium erinaceus (Lion’s Mane) mushroom: A review.

That’s why we at BHC love Red Light Therapy!

What is red-light therapy and why is it a tool that can help you optimize your health? Red light therapy is something that has been a big thing in biohacking circles for a long time. I first came in contact with it via Ben Greenfield’s article in Mens Health Magazine (1). I started reading and found several published studies on the effects of exposure to red and infrared light. What I found was impressive there were several studies that showed the possibility for the cells to produce more energy using red light. This would in turn lead to several positive effects such as better skin lower inflammation, faster healing of injurys, etc.

The body’s energy currency is called ATP. Without ATP we would not be able to live. A part of this energy production is the citric acid cycle or the crebs cycle and the electron transport chain. Without making it too complicated, the food is broken as you eat down to nutrients that then pass a number of biochemical processes that eventually become the energy that drives us. This energy production is performed by our mitochondria, which are the power plants of the cells.

How does red-light therapy come into this complicated process?

 It seems that some of the electron transport chain is sensitive to light, especially red and infrared (2.) These mechanisms do not seem to be fully investigated, but the light seems to increase ATP production by an enzyme called Cytochrome c-oxidase.

More energy = more opportunities

 The red light does not penetrate so deeply into the skin but has been shown to have positive effects on the production of collagen. Red light can thus give you better and younger skin (3). The red light has also been shown to be effective for healing wounds and injuries (7). In order to have a more systemic effect, the use of infrared light which can penetrate deeper into the body but has the same effect on the energy production in the cells can be used in combination with the red light.

Will red / infrared light boost your testosterone levels?

 As I mentioned earlier, I used my panel primarily to boost my testosterone levels. It is difficult to just point to red light therapy as I have generally changed my entire lifestyle in recent years but from the first to the last measurement my levels today are about 2 to 3 times higher than before and when I use the lamp in the morning I can really feel its effects afterwards. There are also several studies done on the substance that show the possibility of increased testosterone levels. In a study from Korea, red light was used in rats and managed to increase their testosterone levels using red light with a wavelength around 670nm after four days (5). ) from 2018 concludes that red and infra red light can be used in male infertility and the light increases sperm mobility and chance of survival.

 There are also other areas where red light therapy has been shown to be effective

 • Inflammation (9)

• Increases cognitive ability and reduce symtoms of Alzheimer’s disease (8)

 • Hair growth (10)

• Increase athletic performance (11)

 • Treatment of underactive thyroid gland (12)

Red-light therapy from Biohacking collective

Most panels today in the market are expensive and adapted for professional use. We at biohacking collective decided to produce our own lamps because this is something we tested and believe in. We have launched two models for home use one is a panel of 45 w and the other is a lamp of 22.5 W. We hope to give you the benefits of red light therapy for a reasonable price. Our lamps have both red and infrared light with the wavelengths 660 and 880 Nm. These wavelengths are the ones that we found seem to have the greatest effect in the studies we read through during our work.













BHC loves Pine pollen !

Image result for pine pollen history

Pine pollen is an amazing herb which has been used in Chinese medicine for around 1500 years. The pollen from pine holds a lot of nutrients and could be consider a natural multivitamin. But right now, pine pollen is most famous for its testosterone boosting benefits. When taken in powder form you get a lot of the vitamin and antioxidants but to really get the benefits from the Phyto -androgens you need an alcohol extract. This is because of that the androgens have low water solubility and that they must bypass the digestion system. With an alcohol extract taken directly under the tongue you will get instant absorption into the bloodstream via the many thin capillaries and blood vessels there. To get maximum benefits from pine pollen I use both powder and tincture. This gives me a both a vitamin and a hormonal boost.By taking pine pollen you get many nutritious compounds such as :

  • Natural testosterone booster contains Androstenedione, Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and Testosterone
  • 18 amino acids and 15 vitamins and 30 minerals
  • Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), MSM, Alpha-Linolenic Acid,Reservatrol
  • Contains Glutathione transferase

Do we need to increase our testosterone?

I would say yes. The way we are living today has not been nice on male and female testosterone levels and all over the world we see a rapid decline. This has to do with all artificial chemicals that we are exposed to through food, healthcare products, plastics, detergents and mold toxins (I recommend reding the book estrogeneration). This estrogen mimicking compounds destroy our performance make us fat , kills our libido and decrease fertility.

When we think about testosterone, we generally think of men, but women also need testosterone to function and the problem of estrogen dominance in females is quite common.

Because of this problem we at BHC will be focusing a lot on how to optimize hormones in a safe and legal way.

 We make a spagyric tincture to be able to bypass digestion and to give a better absorption of the Phyto-androgens. The spagyric extraction also brings the minerals back to the extract and increase bio-availability.

Our extract will balance the testosterone to estrogen ratio which could lead to benefits such as:

Support Lean Muscle Growth

Increase Sex-Drive, Libido, and Performance

Boost Overall Vitality

Boost Testosterone and Optimize Hormones Naturally

Boost the Immune System

Recover Quicker from Intense Exercise

The spagyric tincture is really something special and is extracted during vacuum to lower the boiling point and in that way protect as many of the precious and nutrious compounds in the tincture.

Studies on Pine pollen:

ZebZebbas 5 Easy Daily Biohacks Everyone Can/Should Do


Biohacking doesn’t need to be complicated this are some  of my basic hacks you can do that will change an optimize your life to the better.


clean clear cold drinkDrink H2O
As soon as you wake up drink water (preferable filtered) and lots of it ,your body has been without hydration during the night and you have lost water during your sleep both from sweating and breathing.
Put a pinch of Celtic Sea salt or Himalayan salt into the water to get back some of the minerals and salts lost during the night.
I like to mix both Apple Cider vinegar and lemonjuice into my water. This will also except rehydrate your body also stimulate you bowel.

abstract beach bright clouds

Get Sunlight 
The body is full of photoreceptor’s ready to receive all spectrums of light.
The Suns natural bluelight will wake your mind up and adjust your circadian rhythm and the infrared light will stimulate your cells to create more energy. Do this upon waking up while you drinking your morning water and you will feel energized and alert during the day. And yes even on cloudy and cold days.


Shake or Drybrush
Stimulate the Lymphatic system by shaking your body, jumping up and down or using a drybrush. This will increase your blood circulation and get rid of toxins and waste fluids that’s been clogging up in your system and organs during the night make sure you drink lots of water afterwards to flush everything out.





Airplane mode
When possible turn your cellphone on airplane mode as often as you can ,not just for the decrease of EMF transmitted from the phone but also from the unnatural stress to always be reachable,social media etc.                              Have a certain time during the day and of course during evenings and always at night when you are phone free , people can always leave a voice message or send you a text.


Minimize stress by accepting that things are what they are 
If things happen during the day that get your cortisol or other negative hormonal stress reactions to increase.
Remember this- ask yourself if you can affect the situation ? If not …just accept the fact that things are the way they are, example – yes you will be late and there’s nothing you can do about it so why get extra stressed about the fact that your going to be late?!
just accept it and take a deep breath? This are small mindgames you can remind yourself of every time you feel that your getting stressed in situations you can’t affect ,this requires practice practice practice but after a while you will master it.


Paul Del Valle Podcast

Listen to Episode 49 and 55 with our Co-founders Zebzebba and Biohackad

Paul Del Valle podcast är en av Sveriges mest intressanta podcasts som verkligen ligger i framkant när det gäller nya och spännande saker.In och lyssna och lär. Vi på BHC har fått äran att medverka i 2 st episoder.Zebbzebba ep 49 och Biohackad ep 55 .Lyssna och kom gärna med feedback!

How to make your bedroom in to a perfect sleep sanctuary!(Hur man gör sitt sovrum till den ultimata sömnfristaden !)

We almost spend a third of our lives in bed or at least we should. Getting a good night sleep is one of the most important things in life. Good sleep doesn’t only make you perform better during the day but its also makes you healthier, leaner and if you have continuous good sleep it could actually increase your life span. So sleep is usually done in the same room every night this gives you big room to optimize this environment I will down below show my favorite bedroom hacks.

1. Get an air freshener or find plants that could improve the air quality of your bed room this of course becomes extra important if you live in a city like I do.This is the one that i prefer Air Oasis 1000G3 Filterless UV & Cold Plasma Ionization Purifier Reduces Allergens, Mold, Odors, Germs, Smoke

2. Pitch black room is the way to go. Even a small amount of light from electrical equipment or from street lights have been shown to disturb your sleep.

3. Sound is also an important factor try to use ear plugs if you can if not you could use a white noise generator which effectively will cancel out most of other noises

4. Remove as much of electrical equipment as possible from your sleeping area. Emf:s from your phone or dirty electricity from electronic devices are actually shown to be able to affect your sleep in a bad way.

5. I shut of my Wi-Fi at night and keep my cell phone in another room. If you use your cell phone as an alarm clock, buy a real old school alarm clock.I also use this Faraday cage for my router WiFi Router Guard – Blocks EMF Exposure

6. Find a real good bed made in natural materials and try to see that your bed is not treated with flame retardants. Also buy high quality sheets I use sheets of bamboo fiber or organic cotton.

7. Grounded sleep. Sleeping on grounded sheets will give you constant access to free electrons from the earth, the free electrons act as antioxidants and can help you lower inflammation and mitigate some of the risks from emf.This sheets i recommend but i dont recommend to connect them to electrical ground , i use water pipes as grounding point. Earthing Sheet Fitted Twin Size with Grounding Connection Cord, 400TC Conductive Mat with Pure Silver Thread for Better Sleep, Natural Wellness and Healthy Earth Energy, Natural Beige

8. If you have a TV in the bed room remove it. Watching TV and sleeping is not a good combo. The light from the screen and the program on it will keep your brain active when you should be focusing on winding down.

9. Temperature is also an important factor. By keeping your bed room slightly colder than the rest. The body’s coldest temperature is achieved during sleep if the room is to hot this will be disturbed and sleep quality will go down.If you suffer from high temperature in your bed room check this out ChiliPad Cube 2.0 – Single and Dual Zones – Cooling and Heating Mattress Pad – Individual Temperature Control, Great Sleep Enhancement, Wireless Remote Integration (Single (75″ L x 30″ W))

10. Use of essential oils, I regularly use lavender oil which has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind. Go for an organic brand put drops on pillow or use some type of diffuser for essential oils.i use this diffuser Dr. Mercola Ultrasonic Essential Oil Diffuser 120V

Hur man gör sitt sovrum till en perfekt sömnfristad!

Vi spenderar nästan en tredjedel av våra liv i sängen eller åtminstone så borde vi det. Att få en god natts sömn är en av de viktigaste sakerna i livet. Bra sömn gör inte bara dig bättre under dagen men det gör dig också friskare, smalare och om du har kontinuerlig god sömn kan det öka din livslängd. Så sömn görs vanligtvis i samma rum varje kväll, vilket ger dig stort utrymme för att optimera denna miljö. Jag kommer nedanför att visa mina bästa sovrums hacks.

  1. Skaffa en luftrenare eller hitta växter som kan förbättra luftkvaliteten på ditt sovrum det här blir givetvis extra viktigt om du bor i en stad som jag gör.Detta är den bästa jag vet Air Oasis 1000G3 Filterless UV & Cold Plasma Ionization Purifier Reduces Allergens, Mold, Odors, Germs, Smoke
  2. Ett kolsvart rum är målet, även en liten mängd ljus från elektrisk utrustning eller från gatubelysning har visat sig störa din sömn
  3. Ljud är också en viktig faktor att försöka använda öronproppar om du kan om du inte kan använda en vit brusgenerator som effektivt kommer att hjälpa till att dämpa de flesta oönskade ljuden.
  4. Ta bort så mycket elektriska prylar som möjligt från ditt sovrum. Elektromagnetisk högfrekvent strålning (EMF)från din telefon eller smutsig el från elektroniska enheter visas faktiskt för att kunna påverka din sömn på ett dåligt sätt.
  5. Jag stänger av min Wi-Fi på natten och förvarar min mobiltelefon i ett annat rum under natten. Om du använder din mobiltelefon som väckarklocka, köp en riktig gammal väckarklocka av den gamla skolan.Jag använder även en en farraday bur runt min router för att sänka den farliga strålningen.WiFi Router Guard – Blocks EMF Exposure
  6. Hitta en riktigt bra säng gjord i naturmaterial och försök att se till att din säng inte behandlas med flamskyddsmedel. Köp även högkvalitativa lakan, jag använder lakan av bambufiber eller ekologisk bomull.
  7. Jordad sömn. Sova på jordade lakan ger dig kontinuerlig tillgång till fria elektroner från jorden, de fria elektronerna fungerar som antioxidanter och kan hjälpa dig att sänka inflammation och kan även mildra några av riskerna från EMF.Men se till at att jorda via vatten rör eller direkt jord inte via elsystemet.Earthing Sheet Fitted Twin Size with Grounding Connection Cord, 400TC Conductive Mat with Pure Silver Thread for Better Sleep, Natural Wellness and Healthy Earth Energy, Natural Beige
  8. Om du har en tv i sovrummet ta bort den. Titta på TV och sova är inte en bra kombination. Ljuset från skärmen och programmet på det kommer att hålla din hjärna aktiv när du ska fokusera på nedvarvning.
  9. Temperaturen är också en viktig faktor. Genom att hålla ditt sovrum lite kallare än resten av din bostad så kommer antagligen du sova bättre. Kroppens kallaste temperatur uppnås under sömnen om rummet är varmt det kommer att störas och sömnkvaliteten kommer att gå ner. Om du har det för varmt i sovrummet så rekomenderar jag att du kollar på ChiliPad Cube 2.0 – Single and Dual Zones – Cooling and Heating Mattress Pad – Individual Temperature Control, Great Sleep Enhancement, Wireless Remote Integration (Single (75″ L x 30″ W))
  10. Användning av eteriska oljor, jag använder regelbundet lavendelolja som har visat sig ha en lugnande effekt på sinnet. Hitta ett ekologiskt märke och använd genom att droppa på kudden eller använd någon typ av diffuser för eteriska oljor.Jag använder denna Dr. Mercola Ultrasonic Essential Oil Diffuser 120V

A Hack To End Brain Fog In Just 30 Minutes

Author: Daniel Rash (Biohackingdan/Geneticwarrior)

If you care about mindfulness and your mental and emotional well-being, you realize how important your focus is. Not just what you focus on, but your ability to focus.

Reading this article to the end shouldn’t be hard, but for some of you, it will be.

And that’s a big problem. Lack of focus hurts every aspect of your life, and you’re about to learn of a recent new study explaining why our ability to focus is decreasing. The good news is you’re also about to learn of a way that could end your brain fog and mental exhaustion forever.

But first, tell me if this sounds like you:

  • You skim over documents and emails because you lack the energy to read them carefully.
  • You are easily distracted in a working or learning environment.
  • You lack the willpower to stick to your diet and fitness goals.

These struggles limit your career, your health, and your relationships.

What Causes Poor Focus In The First Place?

First of all, poor focus is often just one symptom of many related issues.

People struggling with focus often also experience: brain fog, irritable mood, lack of creativity, weak willpower, and low energy.

Neglecting your brain health is often behind all of these things.

Lots of factors decrease your brain health, such as limited sleep or exercise.

But science is discovering that some causes are new to modern life.

Did you know a recent study by Health Effects Institute indicates up to 95% of people on earth are experiencing cognitive decline due to air toxins from modern cities and towns?

And there are other new factors our brains have to deal with such as the modern diet.

It’s not just processed foods, either. Even much of today’s non-processed foods are grown in mineral depleted soils and exposed to pesticides.

The good news, is nature is full of safe, legal, natural substances used for centuries which can counteract these things.

Decreased blood flow to the brain can be caused by certain toxins and aging in general, but it can be counteracted by a number of natural ingredients added to your diet.

There are also substances that can cross the blood/brain barrier to detoxify and restore mental clarity and focus.

In fact, have you ever heard of “The Intellect Tree”? It grows in the Himalayan highlands of northern India and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to promote brain health and mental performance.

These amazing substances that promote brain health are called nootropics. And they can give you mental sharpness, focus, and energy beyond anything you’ve ever experienced.

But finding and assembling these natural ingredients in correct proportion to each other is incredibly time consuming, expensive, and difficult.

Fortunately, there are two new products on the market that combine dozens of rare and premium natural ingredients to nourish the brain,and to give astounding improvements to your mental sharpness, focus, and mood.

Meet Qualia Mind, and Qualia Focus.



They are made by a groundbreaking wellness company called Neurohacker Collective.

Qualia Mind has 28 ingredients combined to take your mental performance to a level you didn’t think was possible. And many customers notice the results within just 30 minutes the first day they take it!

In fact, a recent pilot study of 23 participants using Qualia Mind showed significant increases in 6 different cognitive abilities, after just 5 days of use! Abilities like memory, verbal fluency, and concentration. I’ll link to the pilot study at the bottom of the email.

Qualia Focus is nearly as comprehensive as Qualia Mind with 24 ingredients, including seed extract from celastrus paniculatus, the “intellect tree” earlier mentioned. Yet Qualia Focus costs only about half as much as Qualia Mind despite being almost as complete as the Qualia Mind formula. Choose the product that works for your budget.

And you can try either product with a Full 100 Day Moneyback Guarantee, with even greater savings if you select the cancel-anytime subscription option.

There’s no catch. They’re that confident Qualia Mind or Qualia Focus will deliver better mood, better focus, greater willpower, and all-day clean energy.

Follow this link right here to try either product with a 100 Day Moneyback Guarantee, and enter discount code WARRIORMIND for 15% off your first purchase of either product at checkout.

In fact, Neurohacker Collective wants you to know for sure these products work. That’s why they’re by giving you FREE ACCESS to Cambridge Brain Science’s cognitive testing assessments, before and after trying their products. These are world class cognitive assessment tools have been used in over 300 academic publications, and access to them comes free with your product purchase.

Science has come a long way in understanding the substances that truly nourish the brain and recapture your full mental potential.

Quit accepting mental and emotional exhaustion. Quit holding your goals back because you lack the focus and willpower to achieve them. Try Qualia Focus or Qualia Mind now with their 100 Day Moneyback Guarantee using Discount Code WARRIORMIND for 15% off a product that can genuinely unlock the best version of your mind.

* Read more about the recent Qualia Mind pilot study here, and read about the Health Effects Institute air toxins study here.


hacks to minimize smartphone radiation

(Hur man hackar strålningen från mobiltelefoner)

 Smartphones are the new best friend

Smartphones has become an integral part of life and sometimes they  are even closer then our family in these days . We wear them closely to our body we have them close when we sleep, kids tell there parents that they are going to sleep but stays up half the night feeling the urge to stay updated on everything that happens online. When i take the train to work everybody’s necks are like cranes hovering over there cell phones. The link between cellphone use and cancer remains inconclusive, one thing that is for real is the impact on sleep and the stress factor more and more people have a hard time to let go of there cell phone.Even if the relationship with cancer is not 100% proven there is another effect that is starting to get more traction in the scientific community.That theory is that the cellphone radiation seems to affect the cellular voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs).This means that cellphone use will make these calcium channels open and let calcium in to the cell.This will cause excess calcium signaling but also an excess of nitric oxide will be let in to  the cell. The excess of nitric oxide could form in to peroxynitrite wich in turn could breakdown and form  reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can induce cellular damage.The most amount of VGCCs are located in the brain and many studies have now shown links between cellphone use and neurological disorders like:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s

Continue reading hacks to minimize smartphone radiation

Biohacking Tonsillitis

I’m 39 years of age and every second year i get tonsillitis, that’s been the case for as long as I can remember. This time was different though. It came back with a vengeance and was worse than ever.

If you’ve ever had tonsillitis, you surely know of the traditional western way of handling it. 1: Determining if the illness is; a. bacteria or b. virus.

In short, if a; eat antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. If b; eat painkillers and anti-inflammatory. If treated tonsillitis comes back, or if you get peritonsillar abscess, the option is to remove the tonsils all together.

I would like to think that there are more alternatives that that.
Continue reading Biohacking Tonsillitis