Tag Archives: Health

Biohacka din hälsa med Metylen blå

Vad är Metylenblått?

Molekylär Formel: C16H18CIN3S.3H2O

Utseende och Struktur: Metylenblått, även känt som metyltioniniumklorid, är en förening bestående av mycket mörkgröna-blåa kristaller eller pulver, vanligtvis med en bronsglans.

Metylenblått löser sig lätt i vatten eller alkohol.

Användningshistoria: Metylenblått formulerades för första gången 1876 av Heinrich Caro och har sedan dess kallats den första helt syntetiska läkemedlet som används inom medicinen.

Under slutet av 1800-talet användes metylenblått för första gången för att behandla malaria. Forskare trodde vid denna tidpunkt att både läkemedel och färger fungerade genom att selektivt färga patogener och på något sätt skada dem.

Under andra världskriget användes metylenblått som ett antimalariamedel men föll snart ur bruk eftersom soldater klagade på att det färgade deras urin blått.

Metylenblått användes senare för att kontrollera om psykiatriska patienter följde sina läkemedelsregimer, och kliniska effekter observerades snart, vilket ökade intresset för läkemedlets antidepressiva och andra psykotropa egenskaper.

Klinisk Potential av Metylenblått:

  1. Förebygger och Omvänder Åldrande:
    • En studie från 2017 visade att metylenblått är en kraftfull antioxidant för bindvävsceller, som hud, oavsett patienttyp, och ökade produktionen av kollagen och elastin, viktiga proteiner för hudens hälsa.
  2. Inaktiverar COVID-19:
    • Tillsammans med ljus minskade metylenblått effektivt infektionsförmågan hos SARS-CoV i blodprover.
    • Behandlingen BX1, baserad på metylenblått, utrotade COVID-19 i blodprover inom bara 2 minuter.
  3. Antidepressiv Effekt:
    • Metylenblått fungerar som en monoaminoxidasinhibitor (MAOI), vilket kan hjälpa till att balansera neurotransmittorer och behandla depression.Men kan dock vara toxiskt för dem som undergår behandling med SSRI
  4. Behandlar Malaria:
    • Metylenblått identifierades först som en möjlig behandling för malaria 1891 och var ett av de första syntetiska antimalariamedlen som användes.
  5. Minskad Cancer Tillväxt:
    • Studier visar att metylenblått orsakar apoptos (cellavdöd) av cancerceller genom att generera cellulär oxidativ stress.
  6. Behandlar Neurologiska Sjukdomar:
    • Forskning indikerar att metylenblått kan minska bildningen av amyloidplack och neurofibrillära trådar i Alzheimer’s sjukdom.
  7. Förbättrar Hjärnhälsan:
    • Studier har visat att metylenblått kan öka migreringskapaciteten hos vuxna neurala stamceller, vilket kan underlätta hjärnans omkoppling.
  8. Behandlar Septisk Chock:
    • Metylenblått har visat sig effektivt för att förbättra arteriellt tryck och hjärtfunktion vid septisk chock.
  9. Behandlar Metemoglobinemi:
    • Metylenblått fungerar som en reduktionsmedel för oxidationsmedel hemoglobin och behandlar därigenom metemoglobinemi.
  10. Effektivt Mot Förgiftning:
    • Metylenblått har använts historiskt för att behandla cyanidförgiftning.
  11. Förbättrar Fotodynamisk Terapi:
    • Kombinationen av metylenblått och ljusbehandling är effektiv för att kontrollera sjukdomar som oral lichen planus och leishmaniasis.

Mitokondriella mekanismer

Vid låga doser har metylenblått (MB) visats skydda hjärnan från sjukdom genom att agera som en elektrondonator till komplex I-IV av mitokondrierna, vilket ökar produktionen av adenosintrifosfat (ATP). ATP är livets valuta och den energi som driver människor. Om vår produktion av ATP minskar, minskar vår fysiska och mentala prestationsförmåga. Även friska individer kan dra nytta av en ökad av ATP-produktion .

Mer specifikt kan MB donera elektroner till koenzym Q och eventuellt till cytochrom C, vilket ökar aktiviteten hos cytochromoxidaset (komplex IV) och syreförbrukningen.

MB kan också stimulera glukosmetabolism under syrefria förhållanden och öka mängden NAD+ som produceras av mitokondrier .

Vid låga doser fungerar MB också som en antioxidant i mitokondrier. MB interagerar med syre för att bilda vatten, vilket skulle minska fria radikaler som produceras under processen för oxidativ fosforylering. MB kan också fånga upp läckande elektroner som produceras av mitokondriehämmare och bevara metabolisk hastighet genom att kringgå blockeringar av elektronflödet, vilket förbättrar mitokondrieandning .

Dock kan MB vid höga koncentrationer främja oxidativ stress. Därför förväntas låga doser eller koncentrationer av MB i allmänhet vara mer effektiva än stora doser för att underlätta fysiologiska effekter inom mitokondrier. Faktum är att vid höga lokala koncentrationer kan MB potentiellt “stjäla” elektroner från komplexen i elektrontransportkedjan, störa redoxbalansen och agera som en prooxidant. Detta tros bero på att överskott av elektroner mättar elektrontransportkedjan och producerar reaktiva syreradikaler (ROS) .

I en råttemodell av cerebral ischemi kunde MB påskynda borttagningen av skadade mitokondrier från en cell innan celldöden (mitofagi).

MB kan också minska de mitokondriella skadliga effekterna av amyloid beta i djurmodeller .

Dosering och Administration av Metylenblått: Metylenblått kan administreras på olika sätt: långsam intravenös injektion, intravenösa infusioner, oralt eller topikalt.

Säkerhet: Metylenblått är säkert vid terapeutiska doser (<2 mg/kg), men höga doser kan leda till toxicitet med potentiella biverkningar. Var försiktig vid användning av höga doser, och övervakning av professionell vårdpersonal är viktigt för att undvika allvarliga komplikationer.





How managing your deuterium levels can optimize performance and longevity.

So many of you are probably asking yourself, what the hell is deuterium? Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen. This form of hydrogen is containing one neutron and one proton. Compared to a normal hydrogen atom which only contains one proton, and this makes deuterium heavier. Deuterium is used in some nuclear applications as a moderator in heavy water reactors. In the process of making heavy water you also get deuterium depleted water (DDW) as a by-product.

Deuterium and energy production in the body

Most of the research on deuterium and the effects on the body originates from eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This research began as a search for the reason for why some regions in Siberia had a higher number of centenarians. Their investigations led to examine the water the people were drinking. The glacial melt water showed to have 15-20% lower amounts of deuterium compared to “normal water “. In 1966 the Russian scientist published  Biological Role of Heavy Water in Living Organisms and in the book they discussed the potential benefits of DDW. Their research showed that mice fed water with higher concentrations of deuterium got smaller offspring and lost their reproductive capacity. In another experiment mice that was fed glacial melt water had the adverse effect. This resulted in faster growth and higher sexual function compared to the high deuterium group.

During this time, it was also found that our mitochondria has nanomotors than spins about 9000 rpm(faster than many sports cars). The mitochondria are responsible for all of our energy production. The energy produced in the body is called ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) and this nanomotor has a crucial role in the generation of ATP. This motor is not really a motor but rather an enzyme acting as a motor called ATP-synthase.

This “nano motors “shuffles hydrogen ions through the proton channel and this generates ATP se fig 1.

Figure 1 Mitochondrial nano motor ATP -synthase

It is also here in this nano motor that deuterium becomes a problem. In a simple way we could say that deuterium due to its heaviness get stuck in the nano motor and eventually can destroy them. This inhibition of the nano motors function could lead to less energy being produced and mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to over 100 different diseases.

For me it’s quite obvious that lower energy production in the body leads to less energy for all processes and this could lead to problems like fatigue and eventually disease.   

How to optimize your lifestyle to lower deuterium.

    Luckily there are multiple of hacks and lifestyle changes that you can apply to lower your deuterium levels. The body does by itself detoxify deuterium and it also makes its own DDW in the cells so called “metabolic water”. There are also different deuterium levels in foods so by eating low deuterium foods you can manage your levels quite good. Generally, we could say that all forms of mitochondrial improvement will mitigate the problems derived from high deuterium levels.

  • Drinking deuterium depleted water. This water is one of the fastest ways to aid the body in getting rid of excess deuterium. This water is quite expensive because of the high cost of production. The good part is that you only need to drink it 1-3 months per year. I use Preventa which is a Hungarian company that has a food grade DDW facility. I get mine from this shop
  • Make your own metabolic water by fasting or dry fasting. Fasting or dry fasting will break down fats in the body. In the process of breaking down fats you also free stored water from your fat cells. This metabolic water is naturally low in deuterium.
  • Do a ketogenic or a carnivore diet. Ketogenic or carnivore diets are low in carbohydrates. Deuterium are usually stored in the sugary parts of the food. By eliminating carbohydrates, you will get less deuterium in to the system. Also, by eating high fat foods you also teach your body to become efficient in oxidizing fats which will help to ramp up the production of metabolic water.
  • Get out in the sun or use red light therapy. We know that red light or infra-red light can help with ATP production. Also, red light can change the viscosity of the water in the cells and by this making the energy production less friction less. Get our red-light panel here.
  • Avoid GMO foods and meat that has been fed grains. GMO foods are modified to grow faster and usually contains higher amounts of deuterium.
  • Drink hydrogen water the hydrogen gas will push out the deuterium
  • Use oxygen or ozone therapies to oxygenate the body. Oxygen binds deuterium and can help with lowering your total deuterium load
  • Cold therapy can improve mitochondrial function and increase your fat burning or conversion of white fat into brown fat.
  • Sleep well, the body detoxifies deuterium during sleep

Sources and links for further reading:

  1. https://issuu.com/sciencetosage/docs/history_of_deuterium_by_victor_best
  2. https://evolutionnews.org/2013/05/atp_synthase_an_1/
  3. https://www.ddcenters.com/resources-papers/
  4. https://www.nature.com/articles/150021a0
  5. http://www.romj.org/2014-0201
  6. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306987715004399

  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4701522/

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The carnivore diet gave me scurvy and diabetes!

Since 2008 I have eaten LCHF or ketogenic and combined it with fasting. This diet has really helped me overcome many of my health problems. In 2017 I started to hear and read a lot about people who where on a so called “carnivore diet” which is a diet that only consists of meat and animal products.
At first, I was very skeptical, as this goes against most of the things I learned recently about diet and health. But I recognized skepticism from the first time I heard of low carbohydrate diet. Not eating more than 5% of carbohydrates and pushing 80% of the calories from fat then felt like madness.
I decided in early 2018 to test the carnivore diet. I thought that the transition would be relatively thin free from keto to carnivore as I was already quite high on protein and fat intake.
What I noticed at first was that I felt very tired after eating, it was almost like I started eating carbohydrates again. My cravings for sweets initially increased and I had to be really disciplined to not follow my cravings for sweets. Perhaps not so strange as the large amounts of protein probably stimulate more gluconeogensis and also that the increased amount of protein releases more insulin per se.

In the beginning, my stomach did not feel good about this change either. I suppose that the bacteria that normally used to make vegetable fibers break down began to die and that there is an adaptation in the intestinal flora to optimize it against breaking down protein. This is perhaps something that could be hacked by the use of digestive enzymes.
During the first few weeks, I also noticed an increased pulse during my sleep, which I measure with my oura ring.
However, these problems were a transitional phase, and after a couple of weeks and a with little adjustments to my food schedule, both stomach sleep and energy levels were on top.
I felt that I got more strength in the gym and also noticed that small inflammations that I received from the training started to disappear. The biggest change, however, occurred with my stomach from having been chaos before keto. To be later periodically really good during my keto / paleo / fasting protocol to become perfect. No feeling of bloating at all.
But of course I missed my vegetables so even though I got good results, I decided to phase in some vegetables again. To start eating fiber again after 2 months but is perhaps not the best experience and I recommend starting carefully. Maybe phasing in with leafy vegetables and other things you know you tolerate well.
However, I felt that there was something with a carnivore diet that was really good for my health. My stomach had improved my sleep had also improved over time and above all I noticed that it was much easier to build muscle.
So after 2 months with keto I decided to go back to carnivore for a longer experiment.I set the time for a diet of meat, butter egg for at least 6 months. Then to start measuring my blood values and see what impact a carnivorous lifestyle had on my health .
A certain concern for a high protein diet and mTor was something that worried me a bit so I decided to stick to a protocol where I implement a daily fast of 12-18 hours and also some longer fast once per month. What is now mTor? You may be wondering. To make it very simple
so one can say that mTor controls the growth and production of proteins in the body and to stimulate this continuously by eating a lot of protein can increase the risk of getting cancer. By implementing fasting, there will be periods during the day when mTor is lower and this should be able to reduce the risk of cancer somewhat. And let the body cleans out debris by a process called autophagy. If one simplifies the concept then one could say that mTor and autophagy have an inverted relationship ie when one is high, the other is low and vice versa.

Other concerns about a diet without carbohydrates. Of course, it is possible to increase the risk of various vitamin deficiencies. The body cannot make vitamin C. One has heard stories of daggers who get scurvy because of a diet with little vitamin C.
But when I started to read about this, I quickly realized that this only applies if you consume carbohydrates. The glucose molecule apparently competes out of the vitamin C molecule and when eliminating carbohydrates from the diet, the need falls sharply.

So how does one day look and what do I really eat?
I currently eat about 2 meals a day and my first meal is about 12-13 o’clock. Then I eat dinner as early as possible because I noticed that it is better for my sleep to be optimal the last meal should be between 16-18. I eat about 70-80% fat and the rest is protein. I only buy grass grazed meat and game and only run organic butter / ghee and eggs. I would guess that the amount of meat on average is 750g a day.
How do I feel?
I have now, at the time of writing, followed a strict carnivore diet since August and feel very good. I have had difficulty building muscle on a ketogenic diet and had become very slim. During this year I have gained 8-10kg and became much stronger without putting on unnecessary fat. I no longer have any small inflammations from the exercise and I feel awake and alert during the daytime.
What are the disadvantages?
Most of the disadvantages have to do with the social, since people have a tendency to question my lifestyle from an ecological perspective which is a long discussion which I will not go into here. The other disadvantages are of course that there are not many long-term studies on what happens to the body on the carnivore diet. But what you notice is that for more and more people, it is an excellent tool to rid oneself of self from many different autoimmune diseases and I hear daily stories about people who fix themselves.
So what does the lab say?
My first lab results look at inflammation markers, liver, kidneys and blood counts. Most of the values are still within the ref values and I am categorized as fully healthy. It is also difficult to define what are good reference values since all ranges are based on values from people who eat a standard diet. When it comes to my CRP values, which is a marker for inflammation, they have dropped a lot, but I do not know how good the first measurement was when it says only less than 5 in results.

Parameter before after (1)
P-glukos   5.7 (mmol/L) 6,0 mmol/L
HbA1c 30 (mmol/mol) 34 (mmol/mol)
B-SR 4.9 ( (10)/L) 2 (mm/h)
B-LPK 4.7(10(9)/L) 4,3(10(9)/L)
B-TTPK 275 (10(9)/L) 256 (10(9)/L)
B-Hb 144 150
B-EPK 4.9 10(12)/L 5,2 10(12)/L
Erc-MCV 88 (fL) 90 (fL)
Erc-MCH   29.2 (Pg) 29 (Pg)
Erc-MCHC 322 (g/L)
Neutrofiler   1,9(x10*9/L)
Lymfocyter 1,9 (x10*9/L)
Monocyter 0,3(x10*9/L)
Eosinofila 0,1(x10*9/L)
Basofilia 0(x10*9/L)
S-protein 62 (g/L)
S-crp <5  (mg/L ) <1  (mg/L)
S-natrium 142 (mmol/L) 142 (mmol/L)
S-kalium 3.8 (mmol/L) 4,3 (mmol/L)
S-Bilirubin 6,4 (µmol/L)
S-ALP 0,92 (µkat/L)
S-ASAT 0.53 (µkat/L) 0,32 (µkat/L)
S-ALAT 0.66 (µkat/L) 0,38 (µkat/L)
S-Kreatinin 103 (µmol/L) 89  (µmol/L)

The only thing that is slightly different is that my fasted blood sugar has gone up while my long-term sugar even though it has risen slightly has is still low. This is absolutely not worrying and can be accredited to the so-called dawn phenomenon which is also common in the keto world. For a period of 8 weeks I will take 4-5 blood tests with the same markers to ensure good accuracy of the results. Then follow up with a more advanced analysis where blood fats, vitamins and hormones are checked. Please feel free to comment and comment on whether you notice anything of interest. But a first conclusion is that the diet’s effect on blood values is not huge after about a year.

Great tips if you are looking to test carnivore diet:
Test a good app like this where there is also the possibility to put in important blood values:
or just write to us here at biohackingcoloective.com and we will help you get started!

A Hack To End Brain Fog In Just 30 Minutes

Author: Daniel Rash (Biohackingdan/Geneticwarrior)

If you care about mindfulness and your mental and emotional well-being, you realize how important your focus is. Not just what you focus on, but your ability to focus.

Reading this article to the end shouldn’t be hard, but for some of you, it will be.

And that’s a big problem. Lack of focus hurts every aspect of your life, and you’re about to learn of a recent new study explaining why our ability to focus is decreasing. The good news is you’re also about to learn of a way that could end your brain fog and mental exhaustion forever.

But first, tell me if this sounds like you:

  • You skim over documents and emails because you lack the energy to read them carefully.
  • You are easily distracted in a working or learning environment.
  • You lack the willpower to stick to your diet and fitness goals.

These struggles limit your career, your health, and your relationships.

What Causes Poor Focus In The First Place?

First of all, poor focus is often just one symptom of many related issues.

People struggling with focus often also experience: brain fog, irritable mood, lack of creativity, weak willpower, and low energy.

Neglecting your brain health is often behind all of these things.

Lots of factors decrease your brain health, such as limited sleep or exercise.

But science is discovering that some causes are new to modern life.

Did you know a recent study by Health Effects Institute indicates up to 95% of people on earth are experiencing cognitive decline due to air toxins from modern cities and towns?

And there are other new factors our brains have to deal with such as the modern diet.

It’s not just processed foods, either. Even much of today’s non-processed foods are grown in mineral depleted soils and exposed to pesticides.

The good news, is nature is full of safe, legal, natural substances used for centuries which can counteract these things.

Decreased blood flow to the brain can be caused by certain toxins and aging in general, but it can be counteracted by a number of natural ingredients added to your diet.

There are also substances that can cross the blood/brain barrier to detoxify and restore mental clarity and focus.

In fact, have you ever heard of “The Intellect Tree”? It grows in the Himalayan highlands of northern India and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to promote brain health and mental performance.

These amazing substances that promote brain health are called nootropics. And they can give you mental sharpness, focus, and energy beyond anything you’ve ever experienced.

But finding and assembling these natural ingredients in correct proportion to each other is incredibly time consuming, expensive, and difficult.

Fortunately, there are two new products on the market that combine dozens of rare and premium natural ingredients to nourish the brain,and to give astounding improvements to your mental sharpness, focus, and mood.

Meet Qualia Mind, and Qualia Focus.



They are made by a groundbreaking wellness company called Neurohacker Collective.

Qualia Mind has 28 ingredients combined to take your mental performance to a level you didn’t think was possible. And many customers notice the results within just 30 minutes the first day they take it!

In fact, a recent pilot study of 23 participants using Qualia Mind showed significant increases in 6 different cognitive abilities, after just 5 days of use! Abilities like memory, verbal fluency, and concentration. I’ll link to the pilot study at the bottom of the email.

Qualia Focus is nearly as comprehensive as Qualia Mind with 24 ingredients, including seed extract from celastrus paniculatus, the “intellect tree” earlier mentioned. Yet Qualia Focus costs only about half as much as Qualia Mind despite being almost as complete as the Qualia Mind formula. Choose the product that works for your budget.

And you can try either product with a Full 100 Day Moneyback Guarantee, with even greater savings if you select the cancel-anytime subscription option.

There’s no catch. They’re that confident Qualia Mind or Qualia Focus will deliver better mood, better focus, greater willpower, and all-day clean energy.

Follow this link right here to try either product with a 100 Day Moneyback Guarantee, and enter discount code WARRIORMIND for 15% off your first purchase of either product at checkout.

In fact, Neurohacker Collective wants you to know for sure these products work. That’s why they’re by giving you FREE ACCESS to Cambridge Brain Science’s cognitive testing assessments, before and after trying their products. These are world class cognitive assessment tools have been used in over 300 academic publications, and access to them comes free with your product purchase.

Science has come a long way in understanding the substances that truly nourish the brain and recapture your full mental potential.

Quit accepting mental and emotional exhaustion. Quit holding your goals back because you lack the focus and willpower to achieve them. Try Qualia Focus or Qualia Mind now with their 100 Day Moneyback Guarantee using Discount Code WARRIORMIND for 15% off a product that can genuinely unlock the best version of your mind.

* Read more about the recent Qualia Mind pilot study here, and read about the Health Effects Institute air toxins study here.


hacks to minimize smartphone radiation

(Hur man hackar strålningen från mobiltelefoner)

 Smartphones are the new best friend

Smartphones has become an integral part of life and sometimes they  are even closer then our family in these days . We wear them closely to our body we have them close when we sleep, kids tell there parents that they are going to sleep but stays up half the night feeling the urge to stay updated on everything that happens online. When i take the train to work everybody’s necks are like cranes hovering over there cell phones. The link between cellphone use and cancer remains inconclusive, one thing that is for real is the impact on sleep and the stress factor more and more people have a hard time to let go of there cell phone.Even if the relationship with cancer is not 100% proven there is another effect that is starting to get more traction in the scientific community.That theory is that the cellphone radiation seems to affect the cellular voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs).This means that cellphone use will make these calcium channels open and let calcium in to the cell.This will cause excess calcium signaling but also an excess of nitric oxide will be let in to  the cell. The excess of nitric oxide could form in to peroxynitrite wich in turn could breakdown and form  reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can induce cellular damage.The most amount of VGCCs are located in the brain and many studies have now shown links between cellphone use and neurological disorders like:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s

Continue reading hacks to minimize smartphone radiation