Tag Archives: testo

Biohacka dina Testosteron nivåer med Tong Kat Ali

En stor del av min biohacking resa har handlat om att först öka mina testosteron nivåer från flera år av ett onyttigt leverne . För att sedan optimera och bibehålla bra nivåer . En del av detta har ju handlat om rutiner, vanor , kost och träning . Men redan tidigt så insåg jag att det finns mycket att göra med både mineraler , vitaminer , tillskott och framförallt örter. En av mina favorit tillskott har ju de senaste åren blivit otroligt populär. Främst genom att Andrew Huberman pratade om detta på Joe Rogan. Vi pratar om Tong Kat Ali. Detta är en av mina absoluta favorit tillskott och jag har tagit den till och från sen 2013.

Så vad är nu detta för ört “Tongkat Ali” eller “Longjack” är båda namn som hänvisar till en växt med det vetenskapliga namnet Eurycoma longifolia. Den är också känd under andra namn som malaysisk ginseng eller Pasak bumi.

Historien om Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) sträcker sig långt tillbaka i tiden och har sina rötter i traditionell asiatisk medicin. Den har använts i århundraden av folk i länder som Malaysia, Indonesien, Thailand och Vietnam för sina medicinska egenskaper och som ett afrodisiakum.

Tongkat Ali har traditionellt använts för att behandla en mängd olika åkommor och för att förbättra hälsa och välbefinnande. Bland de traditionella användningarna inkluderar ökad sexuell lust och prestationsförmåga, behandling av olika sexuella problem som erektil dysfunktion och minskad fertilitet, förbättring av energinivåer, lindring av feber och magproblem, samt främjande av muskeltillväxt och styrka.

Det verksamma ämnet i Tongkat Ali är föreningen eurykomalongifolin, även känd som eurykomalongoider. Dessa föreningar tros vara ansvariga för många av de potentiella hälsofördelarna associerade med växten, inklusive dess förmåga att öka testosteronnivåerna, förbättra sexuell hälsa och minska oxidativ stress.

Vad säger vetenskapen? hur höjjer den dina hormonnivåer ?

Tongkat Ali innehåller ämnen såsom eurycomanon, en grupp av quassinoider och alkaloider som fungerar genom att aktivera hormoninducerande åtgärder i vår kropp.

Tongkat Ali aktiverar luteiniserande hormoner (LH) som stimulerar Leydig-cellerna i testiklarna att producera testosteron. Hos kvinnor utlöser luteiniserande hormoner (LH) skapandet av steroidhormoner från äggstockarna och hjälper till med menstruationscykeln och ägglossningen.

Tongkat Ali minskar nivåerna av sex hormon bindande globulin (SHBG) : Ett högt SHBG betyder att en lägre mängd testosteron finns tillgängligt för att användas . SHBG ökar när testosteronnivåerna är låga. Endast 1-2% av fritt “användbart” testosteron frigörs i din kropp från effekterna av Tongkat Ali. SHBG binder testosteron och att genom att sänka SBHG så ökas mängden fritt och biotillgängligt testosteron i din kropp.

Samtidigt minskar Tongkat Ali kortisol, stresshormonet som sänker testosteronet i våra kroppar. Verkningsmekanismen ökar samtidigt produktionen av “fritt testosteron” i vår kropp.

Därför ger ökat fritt testosteron från Tongkat Ali mer energi, förbättrat humör, förbättrad sexuell lust, ökad spermamobilitet, starkare muskeltillväxt, minskad kroppsfett, ökat immunsystem och minskad stress.

Det finns även studier spm visar att Tongkat ali kan verka som en svag SERM (Selective estrogen modulator). Med detta menas det att den kan hjälpa till att minska aromatiseringen av testosteron till östrogen.Det är lite oklart hur detta funkar men det verkar som att Tong kat ali kan hjälpa till med att hålla nere östrogennivåerna hos män

Vad är min upplevelse av Tongkat ali?

Jag har som sagt tagit detta tillskott i 10år och tycker verkligen att det säger allt. Det jag upplever är följande.

Lägre stressnivåer

Mer energi

Högre sexlust

En generell känsla av välmående




Bhc presents spagyric Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha comes from the root of the plant Withania somnifera. Ashwagandha has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Ashwagandha is often referred to as Indian ginseng. My first contact with this herb was approximately 8 years ago when I read about its possible effects in increasing testosterone. Since then I have studied this herb more and have included it in my stack of must have herbs.

We at biohacking collective have decided to make our own version and this is something really unique. As with our other tinctures this is a spagyrical extraction done in sub atmospheric conditions. The low pressure reduces the demand of heat and keeps all the valuable plant compounds from being destroyed in the process. The next step in this process includes the reintroduction of the purified minerals from the ash of the plant. This makes this tincture extra bio available and potent. The tincture is also nano emulsified with ultrasonic technology to make it even more easily accessible to the body.

So which are the main benefits of ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha has adaptogenic properties this means that it can modulate and help regulate certain processes in the body. The main thing for me when I look at the literature seems to be the reduction in stress by lowering cortisol levels in the blood (1). Cortisol acts as an antagonist to testosterone so decreased cortisol will help keeping the testosterone levels high.

Ashwagandha also seems to help with other stress markers and I found this interesting study showing that it could help against stress related male infertility (2).

There is also studies that shows that Ashwagandha could help with increasing muscle strength (2). In this study 57 males were included in the age between 18-50. Subjects in the treatment group consumed 300 mg of ashwagandha root extract twice daily, while the control group consumed starch placebos. The groups were using resistance exercise for 8 weeks and then the results were measured. And strength had increased more in the group taking 300mg of Ashwagandha daily, however muscle size hadn’t increased compared to the control group.

The final study I looked at is about Ashwagandha effects on the immune system. In this study the saw an increase in both T-cells and natural killer cells after ingestion of Ashwagandha (4).

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23439798 (1)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19789214 ( 2)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26609282 ( 3)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19388865 (4)

That’s why we at BHC love Red Light Therapy!

What is red-light therapy and why is it a tool that can help you optimize your health? Red light therapy is something that has been a big thing in biohacking circles for a long time. I first came in contact with it via Ben Greenfield’s article in Mens Health Magazine (1). I started reading and found several published studies on the effects of exposure to red and infrared light. What I found was impressive there were several studies that showed the possibility for the cells to produce more energy using red light. This would in turn lead to several positive effects such as better skin lower inflammation, faster healing of injurys, etc.

The body’s energy currency is called ATP. Without ATP we would not be able to live. A part of this energy production is the citric acid cycle or the crebs cycle and the electron transport chain. Without making it too complicated, the food is broken as you eat down to nutrients that then pass a number of biochemical processes that eventually become the energy that drives us. This energy production is performed by our mitochondria, which are the power plants of the cells.

How does red-light therapy come into this complicated process?

 It seems that some of the electron transport chain is sensitive to light, especially red and infrared (2.) These mechanisms do not seem to be fully investigated, but the light seems to increase ATP production by an enzyme called Cytochrome c-oxidase.

More energy = more opportunities

 The red light does not penetrate so deeply into the skin but has been shown to have positive effects on the production of collagen. Red light can thus give you better and younger skin (3). The red light has also been shown to be effective for healing wounds and injuries (7). In order to have a more systemic effect, the use of infrared light which can penetrate deeper into the body but has the same effect on the energy production in the cells can be used in combination with the red light.

Will red / infrared light boost your testosterone levels?

 As I mentioned earlier, I used my panel primarily to boost my testosterone levels. It is difficult to just point to red light therapy as I have generally changed my entire lifestyle in recent years but from the first to the last measurement my levels today are about 2 to 3 times higher than before and when I use the lamp in the morning I can really feel its effects afterwards. There are also several studies done on the substance that show the possibility of increased testosterone levels. In a study from Korea, red light was used in rats and managed to increase their testosterone levels using red light with a wavelength around 670nm after four days (5). ) from 2018 concludes that red and infra red light can be used in male infertility and the light increases sperm mobility and chance of survival.

 There are also other areas where red light therapy has been shown to be effective

 • Inflammation (9)

• Increases cognitive ability and reduce symtoms of Alzheimer’s disease (8)

 • Hair growth (10)

• Increase athletic performance (11)

 • Treatment of underactive thyroid gland (12)

Red-light therapy from Biohacking collective

Most panels today in the market are expensive and adapted for professional use. We at biohacking collective decided to produce our own lamps because this is something we tested and believe in. We have launched two models for home use one is a panel of 45 w and the other is a lamp of 22.5 W. We hope to give you the benefits of red light therapy for a reasonable price. Our lamps have both red and infrared light with the wavelengths 660 and 880 Nm. These wavelengths are the ones that we found seem to have the greatest effect in the studies we read through during our work.


2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2996814/



5. https://www.alliedacademies.org/articles/the-effects-of-low-level-laser-therapy-lllt-on-the-testis-in-elevatingserum-testosterone-level-in-rats.pdf

6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5992952/


8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28580093

9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25122099

10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28328705

11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17295156

12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3534372/                 

BHC loves Pine pollen !

Image result for pine pollen history

Pine pollen is an amazing herb which has been used in Chinese medicine for around 1500 years. The pollen from pine holds a lot of nutrients and could be consider a natural multivitamin. But right now, pine pollen is most famous for its testosterone boosting benefits. When taken in powder form you get a lot of the vitamin and antioxidants but to really get the benefits from the Phyto -androgens you need an alcohol extract. This is because of that the androgens have low water solubility and that they must bypass the digestion system. With an alcohol extract taken directly under the tongue you will get instant absorption into the bloodstream via the many thin capillaries and blood vessels there. To get maximum benefits from pine pollen I use both powder and tincture. This gives me a both a vitamin and a hormonal boost.By taking pine pollen you get many nutritious compounds such as :

  • Natural testosterone booster contains Androstenedione, Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and Testosterone
  • 18 amino acids and 15 vitamins and 30 minerals
  • Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), MSM, Alpha-Linolenic Acid,Reservatrol
  • Contains Glutathione transferase

Do we need to increase our testosterone?

I would say yes. The way we are living today has not been nice on male and female testosterone levels and all over the world we see a rapid decline. This has to do with all artificial chemicals that we are exposed to through food, healthcare products, plastics, detergents and mold toxins (I recommend reding the book estrogeneration). This estrogen mimicking compounds destroy our performance make us fat , kills our libido and decrease fertility.

When we think about testosterone, we generally think of men, but women also need testosterone to function and the problem of estrogen dominance in females is quite common.

Because of this problem we at BHC will be focusing a lot on how to optimize hormones in a safe and legal way.

 We make a spagyric tincture to be able to bypass digestion and to give a better absorption of the Phyto-androgens. The spagyric extraction also brings the minerals back to the extract and increase bio-availability.

Our extract will balance the testosterone to estrogen ratio which could lead to benefits such as:

Support Lean Muscle Growth

Increase Sex-Drive, Libido, and Performance

Boost Overall Vitality

Boost Testosterone and Optimize Hormones Naturally

Boost the Immune System

Recover Quicker from Intense Exercise

The spagyric tincture is really something special and is extracted during vacuum to lower the boiling point and in that way protect as many of the precious and nutrious compounds in the tincture.

Studies on Pine pollen:
