Tag Archives: stress

Bhc presents spagyric Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha comes from the root of the plant Withania somnifera. Ashwagandha has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Ashwagandha is often referred to as Indian ginseng. My first contact with this herb was approximately 8 years ago when I read about its possible effects in increasing testosterone. Since then I have studied this herb more and have included it in my stack of must have herbs.

We at biohacking collective have decided to make our own version and this is something really unique. As with our other tinctures this is a spagyrical extraction done in sub atmospheric conditions. The low pressure reduces the demand of heat and keeps all the valuable plant compounds from being destroyed in the process. The next step in this process includes the reintroduction of the purified minerals from the ash of the plant. This makes this tincture extra bio available and potent. The tincture is also nano emulsified with ultrasonic technology to make it even more easily accessible to the body.

So which are the main benefits of ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha has adaptogenic properties this means that it can modulate and help regulate certain processes in the body. The main thing for me when I look at the literature seems to be the reduction in stress by lowering cortisol levels in the blood (1). Cortisol acts as an antagonist to testosterone so decreased cortisol will help keeping the testosterone levels high.

Ashwagandha also seems to help with other stress markers and I found this interesting study showing that it could help against stress related male infertility (2).

There is also studies that shows that Ashwagandha could help with increasing muscle strength (2). In this study 57 males were included in the age between 18-50. Subjects in the treatment group consumed 300 mg of ashwagandha root extract twice daily, while the control group consumed starch placebos. The groups were using resistance exercise for 8 weeks and then the results were measured. And strength had increased more in the group taking 300mg of Ashwagandha daily, however muscle size hadn’t increased compared to the control group.

The final study I looked at is about Ashwagandha effects on the immune system. In this study the saw an increase in both T-cells and natural killer cells after ingestion of Ashwagandha (4).

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23439798 (1)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19789214 ( 2)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26609282 ( 3)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19388865 (4)

How to make your bedroom in to a perfect sleep sanctuary!(Hur man gör sitt sovrum till den ultimata sömnfristaden !)

We almost spend a third of our lives in bed or at least we should. Getting a good night sleep is one of the most important things in life. Good sleep doesn’t only make you perform better during the day but its also makes you healthier, leaner and if you have continuous good sleep it could actually increase your life span. So sleep is usually done in the same room every night this gives you big room to optimize this environment I will down below show my favorite bedroom hacks.

1. Get an air freshener or find plants that could improve the air quality of your bed room this of course becomes extra important if you live in a city like I do.This is the one that i prefer Air Oasis 1000G3 Filterless UV & Cold Plasma Ionization Purifier Reduces Allergens, Mold, Odors, Germs, Smoke

2. Pitch black room is the way to go. Even a small amount of light from electrical equipment or from street lights have been shown to disturb your sleep.

3. Sound is also an important factor try to use ear plugs if you can if not you could use a white noise generator which effectively will cancel out most of other noises

4. Remove as much of electrical equipment as possible from your sleeping area. Emf:s from your phone or dirty electricity from electronic devices are actually shown to be able to affect your sleep in a bad way.

5. I shut of my Wi-Fi at night and keep my cell phone in another room. If you use your cell phone as an alarm clock, buy a real old school alarm clock.I also use this Faraday cage for my router WiFi Router Guard – Blocks EMF Exposure

6. Find a real good bed made in natural materials and try to see that your bed is not treated with flame retardants. Also buy high quality sheets I use sheets of bamboo fiber or organic cotton.

7. Grounded sleep. Sleeping on grounded sheets will give you constant access to free electrons from the earth, the free electrons act as antioxidants and can help you lower inflammation and mitigate some of the risks from emf.This sheets i recommend but i dont recommend to connect them to electrical ground , i use water pipes as grounding point. Earthing Sheet Fitted Twin Size with Grounding Connection Cord, 400TC Conductive Mat with Pure Silver Thread for Better Sleep, Natural Wellness and Healthy Earth Energy, Natural Beige

8. If you have a TV in the bed room remove it. Watching TV and sleeping is not a good combo. The light from the screen and the program on it will keep your brain active when you should be focusing on winding down.

9. Temperature is also an important factor. By keeping your bed room slightly colder than the rest. The body’s coldest temperature is achieved during sleep if the room is to hot this will be disturbed and sleep quality will go down.If you suffer from high temperature in your bed room check this out ChiliPad Cube 2.0 – Single and Dual Zones – Cooling and Heating Mattress Pad – Individual Temperature Control, Great Sleep Enhancement, Wireless Remote Integration (Single (75″ L x 30″ W))

10. Use of essential oils, I regularly use lavender oil which has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind. Go for an organic brand put drops on pillow or use some type of diffuser for essential oils.i use this diffuser Dr. Mercola Ultrasonic Essential Oil Diffuser 120V

Hur man gör sitt sovrum till en perfekt sömnfristad!

Vi spenderar nästan en tredjedel av våra liv i sängen eller åtminstone så borde vi det. Att få en god natts sömn är en av de viktigaste sakerna i livet. Bra sömn gör inte bara dig bättre under dagen men det gör dig också friskare, smalare och om du har kontinuerlig god sömn kan det öka din livslängd. Så sömn görs vanligtvis i samma rum varje kväll, vilket ger dig stort utrymme för att optimera denna miljö. Jag kommer nedanför att visa mina bästa sovrums hacks.

  1. Skaffa en luftrenare eller hitta växter som kan förbättra luftkvaliteten på ditt sovrum det här blir givetvis extra viktigt om du bor i en stad som jag gör.Detta är den bästa jag vet Air Oasis 1000G3 Filterless UV & Cold Plasma Ionization Purifier Reduces Allergens, Mold, Odors, Germs, Smoke
  2. Ett kolsvart rum är målet, även en liten mängd ljus från elektrisk utrustning eller från gatubelysning har visat sig störa din sömn
  3. Ljud är också en viktig faktor att försöka använda öronproppar om du kan om du inte kan använda en vit brusgenerator som effektivt kommer att hjälpa till att dämpa de flesta oönskade ljuden.
  4. Ta bort så mycket elektriska prylar som möjligt från ditt sovrum. Elektromagnetisk högfrekvent strålning (EMF)från din telefon eller smutsig el från elektroniska enheter visas faktiskt för att kunna påverka din sömn på ett dåligt sätt.
  5. Jag stänger av min Wi-Fi på natten och förvarar min mobiltelefon i ett annat rum under natten. Om du använder din mobiltelefon som väckarklocka, köp en riktig gammal väckarklocka av den gamla skolan.Jag använder även en en farraday bur runt min router för att sänka den farliga strålningen.WiFi Router Guard – Blocks EMF Exposure
  6. Hitta en riktigt bra säng gjord i naturmaterial och försök att se till att din säng inte behandlas med flamskyddsmedel. Köp även högkvalitativa lakan, jag använder lakan av bambufiber eller ekologisk bomull.
  7. Jordad sömn. Sova på jordade lakan ger dig kontinuerlig tillgång till fria elektroner från jorden, de fria elektronerna fungerar som antioxidanter och kan hjälpa dig att sänka inflammation och kan även mildra några av riskerna från EMF.Men se till at att jorda via vatten rör eller direkt jord inte via elsystemet.Earthing Sheet Fitted Twin Size with Grounding Connection Cord, 400TC Conductive Mat with Pure Silver Thread for Better Sleep, Natural Wellness and Healthy Earth Energy, Natural Beige
  8. Om du har en tv i sovrummet ta bort den. Titta på TV och sova är inte en bra kombination. Ljuset från skärmen och programmet på det kommer att hålla din hjärna aktiv när du ska fokusera på nedvarvning.
  9. Temperaturen är också en viktig faktor. Genom att hålla ditt sovrum lite kallare än resten av din bostad så kommer antagligen du sova bättre. Kroppens kallaste temperatur uppnås under sömnen om rummet är varmt det kommer att störas och sömnkvaliteten kommer att gå ner. Om du har det för varmt i sovrummet så rekomenderar jag att du kollar på ChiliPad Cube 2.0 – Single and Dual Zones – Cooling and Heating Mattress Pad – Individual Temperature Control, Great Sleep Enhancement, Wireless Remote Integration (Single (75″ L x 30″ W))
  10. Användning av eteriska oljor, jag använder regelbundet lavendelolja som har visat sig ha en lugnande effekt på sinnet. Hitta ett ekologiskt märke och använd genom att droppa på kudden eller använd någon typ av diffuser för eteriska oljor.Jag använder denna Dr. Mercola Ultrasonic Essential Oil Diffuser 120V

Hacking Your Genes Through Epigenetics and Targeted Nutrigenomics

Author: Daniel Rash (Biohackingdan/Geneticwarrior)

With new books and research being released each day stating which diet is the, “optimal” diet for human species, it can be quite confusing what to fill your plate up with nowadays. Is going ketogenetic the right move? What about paleo? Maybe I should go vegetarian or vegan after watching that latest documentary? I could probably write a whole paper on the different diet options that have been touted as, the best. The hard truth is that many of these so called, “health gurus” are simply trying to end up on the best seller’s section of the book store. With the thousands of nutrition and recipe books written within the last 20 years, you would think we would have the health crisis under control regarding obesity, weight loss, hormone health, mood disorders, however, this is not the case.

Continue reading Hacking Your Genes Through Epigenetics and Targeted Nutrigenomics