Unnatural light and its health effects. (Swedish version below text)


We spend more and more time under unnatural light and at the same time we reduce the time we are outdoors. Unnatural light is defined in this article as light from LED illumination from screens or fluorescent lights from low energy lamps and fluorescent light tubes and focusing on the blue spectrum in the wavelength of approximately 400-500 nm.

However, overexposure to unnatural light is something that can lead to health problems, but few people are aware of this. This article aims to deduce to research focusing on these health issues and the article will also try to provide tips on how to safeguard yourself best from these light sources.

The Circadian Rhythm

In order to understand the dangers of unnatural light and the importance of the natural light as part of our built-in biological clock, the circadian rhythm must be mentioned.The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017 went to Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young for their discoveries of molecular mechanisms that govern the circadian rhythm. So what does the circadian rhythm mean and how are we affected? All of our cells in the body control this 24 hour system that initiates the various biological processes at the right time. Secretion  of hormones is something that follows this 24 hour cycle. In this 24 hour cycle, the sun plays an important role. The sun will change in color spectrum during the day and give our body signals of what’s going to happen.

Before we wake up, we will secret cortisol vi our adrenals to wake us up. Cortisol is often something that is associated with stress and has a slightly negative sound but cortisol is vital for giving us mental drive and energy. In the morning  the sun emits a slightly redder spectrum. Red light is known to have several health benefits and helps us to gain energy and  heal the body.

During the day, the light spectrum shifts towards a bluer tone that signals the alertness in our body, and then fall back into a reddish spectrum that gives us a signal that it is time for rest. The sleeping hormone melatonin is also controlled by this rhythm in the morning when our cortisol levels increase melatonin levels will decrease and in the evening, our production of melatonin is increased again.

Blue light and disturbed circadian rhythm.

Melatonin secretion begins in the evening when the body feels it’s  time for rest. But what happens if the rhythm is messed up? Blue light signals  alertness and it has been found in a number of studies that the blue light can change our biological clock. In case of excessive exposure of blue light and lack of natural light, our natural rhythm will be disturbed. When this rhythm is broken, melatonin production decreases and our sleep can be disturbed. Being awake longer will also increase cortisol secretion which can lead to other problems such as obesity and lower levels of testosterone and growth hormone.

Poor or disturbed sleep will short-term lead to adverse effects on mood and cognitive ability. Long-term effects of poor sleep can lead to increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mental health problems.

Blue light and eye problems

Excessive exposure to blue light has also been shown to be harmful to the eyes. The short wavelength of the blue light is very energy-intensive for the eyes. Some studies have shown that the blue light causes damage to the retina and the macula. There are even doctors talking about a generation of macular degeneration due to excessive screen exposure. Worth adding are our children’s eyes are even more sensitive to blue light.

My solutions

• Be sure to get more natural light to restore the natural rythm. Be sure to go out when it is sunny. I usually try to catch some morning sun if possible.

• Reduce screen and TV time. Get fixed routines about how much screen time you allow yourself.

• Block blue light with glasses and screen filters. Blue blocking glasses are something I use every day especially in the afternoon. There are many apps that can help reduce the blue light from mobile phone or computer. I use F.lux on my computer and always have the mobile in night-shift mode

• Replace low energy, LED and fluorescent lamps in the home I use standard bulbs or halogen lamps .i use a bulb that blocks blue light in my bedroom.

• Use candles or red lights to balance the blue light. I use red light and infrared light daily. Lighting candles in the evening when watching TV is also a great way to balance the blue light

• Take a clean lab tested omega 3 source our eyes contains  loads of DHA fatty acids.

•Use Supplements  that contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin


Onaturligt ljus och dess Hälsoeffekter


Vi spenderar mer och mer tid under onaturligt ljus och samtidigt så minskar vi den tid som vi är utomhus. Onaturligt ljus definieras i denna artikel som ljus från LED belysning från skärmar eller fluorescerande ljus från lågenergilampor och lysrör med fokus på det blåa spektrumet som ligger i våglängden 380-500nm. Att överexponering av onaturligt ljus är något som kan leda till hälsoproblem är det dock få som känner till. Denna artikel har avsikten att härleda till forskning som fokuserar på dessa hälsoproblem och artikeln kommer även försöka ge tips för hur man kan skydda sig bäst från dessa ljusa källor.

Cirkadiska Rytmen


För att förstå farorna med onaturligt ljus och vikten av det naturliga ljuset som en del av vår inbyggda biologiska klocka så måste den cirkadiska rytmen nämnas. Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin 2017 gick till Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash och Michael W. Young för deras upptäckter av molekylära mekanismer som styr den cirkadiska rytmen.Så vad innebär den cirkadiska rytmen och hur påverkas vi av den? Alla våra celler i kroppen styrs av detta 24 timmars system som sätter igång de olika biologiska processerna vid rätt tidpunkt. Utsöndring av hormoner är något som följer denna 24 timmars cykel. I denna 24 timmars cykel så spelar solen en viktig roll solen kommer skifta i färgspektrum under dagen och ge vår kropp signaler om vad som skall hända. Innan vi vaknar så utsöndras kortisol för att väcka oss. Kortisol är ofta något som förknippas med stress och har en något negativ klang men kortisol är livsnödvändigt för att ge oss drivkraft och energi .På morgonen ger solen oss ett något rödare spektrum. Rött ljus är känt för att ha flera hälsofördelar och hjälper oss att få energi och hela kroppen. Under dagen skiftar ljusspektrumet mot en blåare ton som signalerar vakenhet i vår kropp för att sedan under kvällen falla tillbaka till ett rödare spektrum som ger oss signal att det är dags för vila. Sömn hormonet melatonin styrs även av denna rytm på morgonen när våra kortisol nivåer går upp så minskar melatonin nivåerna och på kvällen kommer vår produktion av melatonin öka.


Blått ljus och rubbad dygnsrytm.

Melatonin utsöndring börjar på kvällen när kroppen känner att det är dags för vila. Men vad händer om rytmen är rubbad? Blått ljus signalerar vakenhet och det har visat sig i ett flertal studier att det blåa ljuset kan ändra vår biologiska klocka. Vid överdriven exponering av blått ljus samt brist på naturligt ljus kommer vår naturliga rytm rubbas. När denna rytm rubbas minskar melatoninproduktionen och vår sömn kan bli störd. Att vara vaken längre kommer även att ge mer kortisolutsöndring vilket kan leda till andra problem som övervikt och lägre nivåer av testosteron och tillväxthormon. Dålig eller rubbad sömn kommer kortsiktigt leda till negativa effekter på humör och kognitiv förmåga. långsiktiga effekter av dålig sömn kan leda till ökad risk för diabetes, hjärt och kärlsjukdomar samt psykiska problem.

Blått ljus och ögonproblem

Överdriven exponering för blått ljus har även visats kunna vara skadligt för ögonen. Den korta våglängden på det blåa ljust är mycket energikrävande för ögonen. Vissa studier har visat att det blåljuset ger skador på näthinnan och gula fläcken. Det finns tom läkare som pratar om en generation som kommer få förstörda ögon pga. av överdriven skärmexponering. Värt att tillägga är våra barns ögon är ännu mer känsliga för blått ljus.



Mina lösningar

  • Se till att få mer naturligt ljus för att återställa den naturliga rytmen. Passa på att gå ut när det är soligt. Jag brukar försöka fånga lite morgonsol om möjligt.


  • Reducera skärm och TV tid. Skaffa fasta rutiner kring hur mycket skärmtid du tillåter dig själv.


  • Blockera blått ljus med glasögon och skärmfilter. Blåljus glasögon är något som jag använder varje dag särskilt på eftermiddagen. Det finns många appar som kan hjälpa till att reducera det blåljuset från mobiltelefon eller dator. Jag använder F.lux på datorn och har alltid mobilen i nightshift mode


  • Byt ut lågenergi, led och lysrör i hemmet.Jag använder vanliga glödlampor eller halogenlampor samt en glödlampa som blockerar blått ljus i mitt sovrum.


  • Använd levande ljus eller rött ljus för att balansera ut det blåa ljuset. Jag använder rött ljus och infrarött ljus dagligen. Att tända levande ljus på kvällen när du kollar på tv är även ett bra sätt att balansera ut det blåa ljuset


  • Ta en ren labbtestad omega 3 källa ögonen består till stor del av DHA


  • Supplementera med tillskott som innehåller Lutein och Zeaxanthin

A Hack To End Brain Fog In Just 30 Minutes

Author: Daniel Rash (Biohackingdan/Geneticwarrior)

If you care about mindfulness and your mental and emotional well-being, you realize how important your focus is. Not just what you focus on, but your ability to focus.

Reading this article to the end shouldn’t be hard, but for some of you, it will be.

And that’s a big problem. Lack of focus hurts every aspect of your life, and you’re about to learn of a recent new study explaining why our ability to focus is decreasing. The good news is you’re also about to learn of a way that could end your brain fog and mental exhaustion forever.

But first, tell me if this sounds like you:

  • You skim over documents and emails because you lack the energy to read them carefully.
  • You are easily distracted in a working or learning environment.
  • You lack the willpower to stick to your diet and fitness goals.

These struggles limit your career, your health, and your relationships.

What Causes Poor Focus In The First Place?

First of all, poor focus is often just one symptom of many related issues.

People struggling with focus often also experience: brain fog, irritable mood, lack of creativity, weak willpower, and low energy.

Neglecting your brain health is often behind all of these things.

Lots of factors decrease your brain health, such as limited sleep or exercise.

But science is discovering that some causes are new to modern life.

Did you know a recent study by Health Effects Institute indicates up to 95% of people on earth are experiencing cognitive decline due to air toxins from modern cities and towns?

And there are other new factors our brains have to deal with such as the modern diet.

It’s not just processed foods, either. Even much of today’s non-processed foods are grown in mineral depleted soils and exposed to pesticides.

The good news, is nature is full of safe, legal, natural substances used for centuries which can counteract these things.

Decreased blood flow to the brain can be caused by certain toxins and aging in general, but it can be counteracted by a number of natural ingredients added to your diet.

There are also substances that can cross the blood/brain barrier to detoxify and restore mental clarity and focus.

In fact, have you ever heard of “The Intellect Tree”? It grows in the Himalayan highlands of northern India and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to promote brain health and mental performance.

These amazing substances that promote brain health are called nootropics. And they can give you mental sharpness, focus, and energy beyond anything you’ve ever experienced.

But finding and assembling these natural ingredients in correct proportion to each other is incredibly time consuming, expensive, and difficult.

Fortunately, there are two new products on the market that combine dozens of rare and premium natural ingredients to nourish the brain,and to give astounding improvements to your mental sharpness, focus, and mood.

Meet Qualia Mind, and Qualia Focus.



They are made by a groundbreaking wellness company called Neurohacker Collective.

Qualia Mind has 28 ingredients combined to take your mental performance to a level you didn’t think was possible. And many customers notice the results within just 30 minutes the first day they take it!

In fact, a recent pilot study of 23 participants using Qualia Mind showed significant increases in 6 different cognitive abilities, after just 5 days of use! Abilities like memory, verbal fluency, and concentration. I’ll link to the pilot study at the bottom of the email.

Qualia Focus is nearly as comprehensive as Qualia Mind with 24 ingredients, including seed extract from celastrus paniculatus, the “intellect tree” earlier mentioned. Yet Qualia Focus costs only about half as much as Qualia Mind despite being almost as complete as the Qualia Mind formula. Choose the product that works for your budget.

And you can try either product with a Full 100 Day Moneyback Guarantee, with even greater savings if you select the cancel-anytime subscription option.

There’s no catch. They’re that confident Qualia Mind or Qualia Focus will deliver better mood, better focus, greater willpower, and all-day clean energy.

Follow this link right here to try either product with a 100 Day Moneyback Guarantee, and enter discount code WARRIORMIND for 15% off your first purchase of either product at checkout.

In fact, Neurohacker Collective wants you to know for sure these products work. That’s why they’re by giving you FREE ACCESS to Cambridge Brain Science’s cognitive testing assessments, before and after trying their products. These are world class cognitive assessment tools have been used in over 300 academic publications, and access to them comes free with your product purchase.

Science has come a long way in understanding the substances that truly nourish the brain and recapture your full mental potential.

Quit accepting mental and emotional exhaustion. Quit holding your goals back because you lack the focus and willpower to achieve them. Try Qualia Focus or Qualia Mind now with their 100 Day Moneyback Guarantee using Discount Code WARRIORMIND for 15% off a product that can genuinely unlock the best version of your mind.

* Read more about the recent Qualia Mind pilot study here, and read about the Health Effects Institute air toxins study here.


Rock the body right biohack

Bouncing babies

Rock and bounce your way to a better life. I am not talking rock music but the rocking of the body.
Looking at parents it’s a no-brainer that it works to soothe a child. Most people on this earth I believe have seen how the rocking of a baby in the arms of a parent helps to calm the child.

Adults bounce too

Even adults benefit from this type of rocking. Rocking of the body activates our parasympathetic system, namely our rest and digest system. Hence, rocking of the body helps us rest and recover better. When this system is used with the vestibular system gets we gets effects like; helping people with dementia, vertigo, increased mobility and pain management and improved recovery from surgery.

As a matter of fact, rocking chairs helped heart attack and stroke patients recover without permanent damage! This is according to  Dr. Heinrich Addleheim of the Kinetic Therapy Clinic. Who said “the body settles into a natural rhythm that harnesses incredible powers of recuperation and regeneration. We’ve seen cases of patients recuperating from heart attack and stroke – without any trace of permanent damage – simply because they used a rocking chair while they were recovering. I’ve seen people bedridden with arthritis who were up and around inside a week after regular use of the rocking chair. It can be used to cure colds, flu, diabetes and even some types of cancer. It’s not just a piece of furniture – it’s a remarkable medical device”.
I have to say that it sounds quite amazing indeed.

Furthermore, The Rocking Chair Therapy website give even more suggestions of what a bit of rocking can do for you. I am going to try the vertical version which is called rebounding.


To rebound you need a trampoline. The claims are similar to what you get with a rocking chair. Which is why I am inclined to try. Increased ability to recovery will help you perform better. On a website called Cancer Tutor they claim that rebounding exercise all the cells of the body due to the acceleration and deceleration of bouncing on a trampoline. It also boosts the immune system because of increased lymphatic flow.
Not to mention that were a study from NASA that shows that rebounding is a lot more effective than runnning. Referring to the same things mentioned earlier, while also being safer.

All these claims sounds too good to be true, yet to me it seems logical. But like a true biohacker, I simply have to try!

This post will be updated as I learn more from rebounding articles and experience!

“How a rocking chair can help you heal – Body + Soul.” 17 Jun. 2016, https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/health/health-news/how-a-rocking-chair-can-help-you-heal-/news-story/9f7db110575c8c7cddb9ebb58b8aa5c8.

“Rebounding: Science Behind the 7 Major Health … – Cancer Tutor.” https://www.cancertutor.com/rebounding/.

“The Research – Rocking Chair Therapy.” http://www.rockingchairtherapy.org/research.html.

Hacking Your Genes Through Epigenetics and Targeted Nutrigenomics

Author: Daniel Rash (Biohackingdan/Geneticwarrior)

With new books and research being released each day stating which diet is the, “optimal” diet for human species, it can be quite confusing what to fill your plate up with nowadays. Is going ketogenetic the right move? What about paleo? Maybe I should go vegetarian or vegan after watching that latest documentary? I could probably write a whole paper on the different diet options that have been touted as, the best. The hard truth is that many of these so called, “health gurus” are simply trying to end up on the best seller’s section of the book store. With the thousands of nutrition and recipe books written within the last 20 years, you would think we would have the health crisis under control regarding obesity, weight loss, hormone health, mood disorders, however, this is not the case.

Continue reading Hacking Your Genes Through Epigenetics and Targeted Nutrigenomics

Binaural beats, the musical neurohack

In the last piece I wrote, I showed that a mouth guard could increase your strength by 10% while also biohacking your breath. If interested to read that article please open it here

But what if I could biohack my brain? It is actually easier than you think. This hack might sound weird, pun intended but all you need are headphones to utilize the effects of Binaural Beats…

Continue reading Binaural beats, the musical neurohack

Osteostrong the ultimate hack for your bones!

In Sweden and the Scandinavian countries osteoporosis is a very common issue. In fact, Sweden has the highest numbers of bone fractures caused by osteoporosis in the world (Bjärenäs, 2018). In Sweden the milk lobby has for many years promoted the slogan “milk gives stronger bones”. However, this is an oversimplified version of the truth and the reasons for the high numbers of osteoporosis are many. Calcium has an important role in bone health, but Calcium alone doesn’t build strong bones. The lack of sunlight makes vitamin D deficiency a common problem in Sweden. Vitamin D which really is not a vitamin, but a steroidal hormone plays a crucial role in in intestinal calcium absorption. If there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the bloodstream the uptake of calcium is reduced, and the body starts taking calcium from the skeletal tissue.

Continue reading Osteostrong the ultimate hack for your bones!

hacks to minimize smartphone radiation

(Hur man hackar strålningen från mobiltelefoner)

 Smartphones are the new best friend

Smartphones has become an integral part of life and sometimes they  are even closer then our family in these days . We wear them closely to our body we have them close when we sleep, kids tell there parents that they are going to sleep but stays up half the night feeling the urge to stay updated on everything that happens online. When i take the train to work everybody’s necks are like cranes hovering over there cell phones. The link between cellphone use and cancer remains inconclusive, one thing that is for real is the impact on sleep and the stress factor more and more people have a hard time to let go of there cell phone.Even if the relationship with cancer is not 100% proven there is another effect that is starting to get more traction in the scientific community.That theory is that the cellphone radiation seems to affect the cellular voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs).This means that cellphone use will make these calcium channels open and let calcium in to the cell.This will cause excess calcium signaling but also an excess of nitric oxide will be let in to  the cell. The excess of nitric oxide could form in to peroxynitrite wich in turn could breakdown and form  reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can induce cellular damage.The most amount of VGCCs are located in the brain and many studies have now shown links between cellphone use and neurological disorders like:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s

Continue reading hacks to minimize smartphone radiation

A bite-size neurohack, literally!

That the brain is the boss of the body is nothing new. But how to trick this all powerful boss into making you stronger that is how you neurohack your workout.

A lot of neurohacks can be done without any equipment. But for the sake of simplicity and safety I will suggest that you buy a mouth guard. Why a mouth guard?

Continue reading A bite-size neurohack, literally!

Can you hack your balance?

My name is Tim Lind and I am passionately interested in how our brains affect our health. I want to prove how effective it is to use the brain and nervous system to improve our life. Brain or neurohacking can sometimes solve problems in less than a minute.

What is neurohacking? It is using your own body as a tool to adapt, modify or improve your bodily functions.

Continue reading Can you hack your balance?

Biohacking Tonsillitis

I’m 39 years of age and every second year i get tonsillitis, that’s been the case for as long as I can remember. This time was different though. It came back with a vengeance and was worse than ever.

If you’ve ever had tonsillitis, you surely know of the traditional western way of handling it. 1: Determining if the illness is; a. bacteria or b. virus.

In short, if a; eat antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. If b; eat painkillers and anti-inflammatory. If treated tonsillitis comes back, or if you get peritonsillar abscess, the option is to remove the tonsils all together.

I would like to think that there are more alternatives that that.
Continue reading Biohacking Tonsillitis